Learning useReducer for React from a stranger live on stream
[codingwithjono]A kind stranger drops in on my stream to teach me how to use the useReducer hook
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A kind stranger drops in on my stream to teach me how to use the useReducer hook
A tutorial using binary space partitioning
A tutorial using cellular automata
An entry to the GBA Winter Jam 2023
A last minute entry to GBAJam2022
How to take a niche genre and make it more appealing to a larger audience
How I got from my last gamejam entry LRO to where we are now. GBAJAM2022!
The most important design decisions I made in the last week of the GBA Winter GameJam, dialog for narrative, more puzzles and measuring success.
Adding more features to Luggage Retrieval Officer
Making a sliding block puzzle game for the GBA
My short experience with NFTs, why I stopped and what I would do differently next time.
Using Butano to make a Warioware inspired game for GBA in under 48 hours
Using MagicaVoxel, SpriteStack and Aseprite to bring new life to my old idea to make a mobile restaurant simulator.
Adding New Levels, New Enemies, Polishing and adding more content
Adding a title screen to my GBA Game Feline using HBlank Effects on Affine BGs
Using a minigame and secret codes to introduce more lore into Feline
Creating a map of the bare essentials of the game to display as much of it as possible, but for as little effort as possible
Using the Butano Game Engine to make a Boids Simulation on the Gameboy Advance (GBA), Boids is an algorithm to mimic flocking birds flying and avoiding each other
If you don't have a plan then how can you know when something didn't go to plan? Making a plan, improving my character sprites and a talk about performance in Butano
Jono gets stuck for a bit trying to figure out points, we add player attacks, enemies to attack, along with their animations and funky physics
Redoing the cat animation from reference images, improving how the camera follows our cat hero and introducing a new movement mechanic
Thanks to Butano's excellent Docs, I am still making progress even without internet
Game Design - How to turn this from a tech demo to an actual game?
Refactoring the player class, animation states and adding a dash ability
Refactoring my GBA Gamejam game with classes so it is much nicer
Colliding with the map using Butano and making some music
Detecting where on the map our character is
So I may have been scared off a little by C++ again and a little frustrated at my self for not trying harding or digging deeper.
Animating and moving our character in Butano for GBA
Drawing a sprite in Butano for GBA
Getting onboard with GBAJam 2021
Bulk Rolling Kodak Double-X 5222 and finding the best exposure settings for it.
When you feel like you aren't good enough, anxiety gets the better of you
Two week roadtrip around north island of New Zealand
My photo got into an exhibit hosted by The Black & White Box
I haven't posted in a long time
Using Perlin Noise to Procedurally Generate Islands
Using Markov Chains to Generate President Trump's Next Tweet
This week I bought my dream camera
My first photo gig, an interesting experience
Jono explores what it means to take street photos
Let's Develop Film and hope it doesn't go terribly wrong
Exploring Medium Format
Getting up at dawn to walk around a new city is always an adventure
Venturing into Medium Format (Panorama)
Playing around with something a bit different. The Yashica 35 M
Perspective is one of your main tools as a photographer. It's your opportunity to show the world what you see
What is a leading lines? Why does it make your photos more interesting?
Jono learns about the difficulties of shooting in Black & White
I learn how to invert a film negative
Buys second hand film camera, what is up with these photos.
Day 1. What am I doing?
Using Math to generated cool pictures
Using Cellular Automata to generate mountains